
Brighten Your Curb Appeal with Winter Bloom
Feb 13, 2020
Though your curb appeal might look less appealing during the colder months, that doesn’t mean your house has to completely lose its luster.

Plants 101: Pearl Acacia Tree
Mar 29, 2017
Check out the journey of my Pearl Acacia as it grows into one of the loveliest small trees we know.

How To Make a Rhipsalis Branch Planter
Aug 02, 2016
This DIY Branch Planter is a lovely way to show off cuttings and easy to make. We'll show you how to do it in a couple of easy steps.

Plants 101: Epidendrum Orchids
Jun 13, 2016
One of our favorite flowering plants, the Epidendrum Orchid. When you see how easy it is to take care of, it'll be your favorite plant too.