Fermob Luxembourg Lounge Armchair
Like the Luxembourg Lounge Chair, the Luxembourg Lounge Armchair features a wider seat than other pieces in the collection. While it doesn’t lean as far back as the Low Chair, the back is tilted just enough to combine comfortability with functional versatility. The Lounge Armchair features ergonomic arm rests and is an excellent addition to outdoor living spaces, as its light, aluminum construction allows it to be moved and stacked with ease.
Go here for product specs on entire Luxembourg Line.
Go here for all Fermob Warrany Info.
Go here for Fermob's Full Color Chart.
Go here for Fermob's Advice Regrading Care & Maintenance.
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Potted is a proud principal partner of ALL FERMOB FURNITURE so please feel free to stop by our store to see what we have in stock or to place an order for any of their numerous lines.